Make better ideas

happen fast

How are we different

Our websites are

Not your average run-of-the-mill sites. Most typical client-based projects in the service industry will have a database, some business logic and a front-end interface

In most cases, those sites will get a very limited audience. As a developer you don’t get to see how that website that you developed is finally being used, the traffic, or real-time results.

This is where our team members get a completely different experience – they get to experience how those websites, that they have worked on, are being used by 1000’s of real visitors every single day!

When SERSCOPL has to maintain and manage websites getting 15,000 visitors every day, we have had to develop a very strong back-end infrastructure. Our website is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is how we are different:

Ensure 100% uptime for websites through sophisticated monitoring tools

The website is often the first contact a client has with an organization and since you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you want that first experience to be as good as can be.

Accept online payments with our dedicated merchant accounts through API based coding

Our websites are integrated with commercial merchant account through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). We develop and continuously improvise the entire payment system for quicker and easier payments.

Create state of the art responsive designs for our websites, with the mobile-first approach

Fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries are the three technical ingredients for responsive web design, but it also requires a different way of thinking. Rather than quarantining our content into disparate, device-specific experiences, we use advanced media queries to progressively enhance our work within different viewing contexts.

Use customized affiliate software
to broaden our reach

We use customized tools to broaden our reach and promote our products through other websites. Customizations involve personalized affiliate links, rendering marketing tools, tracking digital sales, analytics and performance dashboards, visibility of commissions and payments and performance reports..

Use several 3rd party

Integrations for professional and reliable operations

The term ‘third-party integration’ means addition of necessary external interfaces  to an existing project using different APIs (Application Program Interfaces). We select the most appropriate third-party tools that will deliver professional and dependable services and seamlessly integrate those with our websites.

Complete data

Tracking and Management For Every User Flow

We use in-house custom made as well as external tools to help with visually tracing the steps of interaction between user actions and program interfaces (called user flow maps). This is a great way to put yourself in the user’s shoes and ensure that your product prioritizes their needs.

Continuous optimization of websites for speed performance

In-depth website speed optimization is conducted to have our websites load quickly and render the content perfectly. Website performance optimization, the focal point of technologically superior website designs is one of the primary factors how our websites can handle 15,000 visitors everyday

Ongoing AB Tests
for optimizing conversions

We use this strategy on our websites on an ongoing basis for testing different versions of pages and monitoring the goals achieved

Ethical hacking is an authorized process of attempting to gain unauthorized access over a defined network, computer, or data. It is performed by security experts called “white hats,” aimed to improve the security posture of an organization. Our ethical hackers identify vulnerabilities in our websites and suggest resolving before malicious attackers exploit them. We work proactively while penetrating the systems or networks, and fix vulnerabilities to make our websites sturdy and hacker-proof.

Any organization that handles payment cards through dedicated merchant accounts must meet the 12 stringent requirements directly or through a compensating control. Failure to meet the PCI DSS 12 requirements may result in fines or termination of credit card processing: We strive to remain PCI Compliant at all times and continually test and fix vulnerabilities.

A tag management system (TMS) makes it simple for users to implement, manage, and maintain tags on their digital properties with an easy-to-use web interface . We use advanced TMS as integral to providing a foundation for our data collection and driving better customer experiences.

We use leading observability platforms for monitoring, debugging and improving our entire stack – from front end to back-end databases. The Development and Operations teams come together to solve problems based on real time data, log management and error tracking. This makes our websites reliable and provide continuous value to our users.

Our UI designs ensure that every visual element and transition sets the stage for a fluid, positive experience for our visitors. We provide meaningful experiences for users (UX) and test using AB Tests to continuously optimize the website goals. As is known, you just get 3 seconds from users before they bounce. We strive hard to make the most of it.

This is what will keep you motivated at all times – the satisfaction to be able to see real time results of how systems that you worked on are being used by 1000’s of visitors every single day!