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Make a Difference

What We Do

26 years in business, started when internet was new to India, Google search was just getting popular

Founded in 1999, Search Engine Ranking System Consultants Private Limited started when internet was new to India. Google search was just getting popular, and concepts like keyword research had just begun.

Started as a SEO company and then diversified into internet niche marketing

We started as a SEO company (Search Engine Optimization). For almost 7 years, we served 100s of clients to optimize their websites and also created desktop and web-based tools for Keyword research, Link Building and Website Conversion Optimization. Then we diversified into internet niche marketing, which is now the sole focus of the business.

100% export oriented

We are now completely focussed towards niche marketing on the net. We continue to be a 100% export oriented, 100% internet-based, techno-marketing organization.

100% Export oriented business

We develop infomercial B2C websites which we market over the internet. Some of these websites handle more than 15K visitors per day. Why is it 100% export oriented? Because all our customers are outside India. We, as a company are contributing to the nation’s industrial competitiveness by driving export-oriented business strategies. We export our web development competence, our digital marketing expertise and our business process outsourcing capabilities.

We are 100% internet based because we have no physical products, warehouses, or shops that we sell our products through.

Instead of focusing our efforts on things like storefronts, we continue to remain completely technology driven, focused on the digital platform – as we always have been, ever since we started a few decades ago.

What we do is techno-marketing.

We develop infomercial B2C websites which we market over the internet. Our websites that deliver the content and sell digital products to consumers via the internet is very content rich. Some of these websites have garnered lot of success, and handle almost 15000 visitors every day.

Similar to...

In That Essence, We Are Similar To A Product Development Company Where The Product Is A Complete Website.

In that essence, we are similar to a product development company where the product is the complete website that we have developed. There is always a workload for our entire team because we are not dependent on client’s businesses. We bring our business to direct consumers which makes our business recession proof, even pandemic proof.

Different from...

We are different from a Normal software development company because it is not service based and doesn't depend upon securing projects from clients.

That’s where we are so different from a normal software development company. We operate out of one central location for our back-end staff in Kolkata, while we have writers, designers and other staff world-wide. Our organization runs on the simple idea of need. We identify consumer need, we then develop a website to fill it, and reach out to consumers to actively market it.

Runs On Simplicity, Focussed On Success

Last but not least, the organization has been in the business for over 2 decades, through all the ups and downs. How we stayed successful when others fell during these times is simple – we don’t do flashy, showbiz, hype.

Transparent in all dealings

We are proud to be a transparent, strait-laced company in all of our dealings - internal and external. While staying entirely focused on growing our business to new heights, we never compromise on our ethics.